A LA UNE à Miami et en FlorideFLORIDE : ActualitésL'art aux Etats-UnisL'art en Floride

Made in France Art Exhibit 2017 : in Miami Beach on November 1st !

Soirée artistes Courrier de Floride à MiamiOne of the main art events of Miami is coming back for the third year : don’t miss « Made in France Exhibit 2017″, one night only in South Beach, with major French artists FROM Miami.

And the event is free ! Come meet the artists, enjoy French culture and have a drink with us !

The program and the list of the artists TBA on this page in October.

Artists, sponsors and public can contact : contact@mfpopupgallery.com

First list of artists : Alain-H, Cécile Opron, Christian Guerin, Claude Rogiers, Coralie Taschot, Daniel Stanford, Dorota Bednarek, Emmanuelle Buenos, Eric Amsellem, Eva Renaud, Julien Gray, Kuamen, Loic Ercolessi, Marie Donze, Marie Pierre Maquet, Michèle Landel, Nathalie Zelman, Sandra Encaoua

To read this article in French click here

Made in France Exhibit 2017 / Miami Beach

Wednesday November 1st / 7PM-9PM

Blanc Kara Hotel South Beach


Organised by Michèle Fontanière Pop-up Gallery, Le Courrier de Floride and Xander Law Group

This event is part of the French Weeks Miami



Some pics of the first editions :


Nadège Eychenne et Maryse Boisvert, agent immobiliers

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