Your Ad in Le Courrier des Amériques / Le Courrier de Floride, the French Newspaper in Florida

Do you want to reach some French speaking clients ???
Le Courrier des Amériques (formerly « Le Courrier de Floride« ) is the only French media of journalism in Florida. It’s a free monthly newspaper, 100% color, 100% in French, published both on the web and on paper, read by 99,99% of the French speaking people, as well the residents than the snowbirds and tourists. You can find it in EVERY French point of distribution in Florida : more than 350 restaurants, schools, consulates, canadian banks, small and large businesses (lawyers, insurance offices, hairdressers, travel agencies, accountants…).
Le Courrier is the only French newspaper in Miami. Heavily distributed in the three south-east counties of Florida, it is additionally distributed in some other large cities : Orlando, Jacksonville, Tampa, St Pete…
During the 6 « cold » months, Le Courrier is also distributed for the French-Canadians in 150 mobile home parks, condos associations, motels, and RV resorts.
If you’re interested to advertise with us, click here (or just send an email or phone call to Diane Ledoux, our head of marketing) :
Phone : +1 (954) 598-5075
Email :

A true journalistic newspaper, Le Courrier is not a compilation of advertisings : your ads will be CLEARLY viewed, in a newspaper appreciated by the French communities. Le Courrier is alone to bring news to the French speaking expatriates, as well as the tourists.In July we also publish the only free and complete Guide of Florida in French, then distributed for the arrival of the European tourists, and re-distributed in november for the Canadians. The Guide stays all year long on our website (to see it just click here).
Internet : all the ranking websites are putting us as the first French website in Florida (as well,, etc…
Le Courrier is the first and only French speaking media of Florida inside Google News. We’re #1 in SEO for the French searches about everything to see and do in Florida (and there is no #2 : we’re the only newspaper to have done this internet job).
Social Medias : Le Courrier is the only French media in Florida with more than 10.000 followers on its Facebook page (we actually have dozens of thousands). And we’re also first on Twitter, Youtube etc…
We manage several Facebook groupes with dozen of thousands of members (French speaking people in the US, Snowbirds etc…), like those : 1, 2, 3, 4.

For a contract of more than 7 issues, we write a journalistic article about your company, which will be published both in the newspaper and on our website. It’s more than a « plus » : it’s a way to be seen and appreciated online by the French-speaking readers and by Google robots.
For an advertising only on our website, it’s $1500 per year.
+ 4 million French Canadians (the « snowbirds ») arrive in South-Florida in the fall. Now is the time to get your ad ready.
+ 200,000 French Canadians who live all year long in South-Florida.
+ 50,000 Franco-French all year long here.
+ 500,000 French tourists in South-Florida (150,000 own property).
+ 1 million Haïtians, and several thousands of Belgians, Swiss, Africans…

Don’t hesitate : phone or email and we’ll come and show you the paper version and our marketing opportunities. We’ll give you a close link to the French speaking community ! And… of course we’ll speak English… if you insist !
Director of
To read Le Courrier de Floride online, please click on the covers on the right side of this site. Or, to download it on your tablet, click on the pink buttons located under all the covers.
See also : Wikipedia Page about Le Courrier
FYI – important :
We also have a « national » edition, Le Courrier des Amériques. Click here if you want to know more
Ressources :
– To see some pics of places where Le Courrier is distributed click here
– To understand our strong link with the French Canadian Snowbirds
– To read about our incredible link with the French (from France) community in Florida
– To see some public Facebook stats compared with some other medias in Florida
– To see our main Florida page click here
– To see our special issue Guide de la Floride click here